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Flood arrives in Oshana region


Floodwater, which arrived in Namibia over a week ago, is now in the Oshana region.

The floodwater has so far filled up the oshanas at Ongwediva.

Senior hydrologist Leornard Hango said water passed the Endola bridge on Monday from Eeshoke village.

“The water people are seeing in the oshanas at Oshakati is rainwater, but in Ongwediva it is floodwater,” he said.

He warned residents of Okatana near Oshakati and other locations to expect flooding soon.

There is flood water in the streams near the Ongwediva police roadblock.

Hango said water is currently at Ohakweenyanga and Oshinyadhila village, heading to Ompundja village.


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